Friday, 27 March 2015

Run bike run

What:We went to Halswell Domain to do Run Bike Run.
So what: Paige and I came 6th place and we were in the top ten so we got some house points( MIRO) .
Now what: I could try do the biking instead of running or do it by myself

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Egg sitting challenge

We are doing the egg sitting challenge for KOS (Keeping .ourself .self.).
Aim:To take on the role of a caregiver of an egg for 4 days.
Why an egg?
Because they are easy to break and fragile.
How does this relate to KOS?
It is also part of keeping someone else safe.
My egg has a plaster on it because it has a small crack,so I'm treating it like a human.
If you don't won't to look after it some one has to look after it / baby sit it.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Creat a graph to show information

Construct a bar graph

This is a good bar graph because... I labelled the axis eg. The number of chocolate getting bought.
The bars are colourful.
The bars are the same widths.

Now what:
Spreading out the bars more 
Not making mistakes 

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Room10 2015

Room 10 2015

What I have enjoyed so far...

1.Doing my cultural poster
2.Collecting some data for graphs
3.Having a knew classmate called "Sophie " at school